SeaWorld Turtle Release SeaWorld Turtle Release
Looking Ahead

Continuing our Mission

At United Parks & Resorts, we continue to explore new ways to minimize our impact on the environment, such as reducing our carbon footprint, examining impact and risk along our food and retail supply chain and applying innovation to increase waste diversion.

As an organization, we are dedicated to building out our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (“DEI”) program so that United Parks & Resorts can attract broader talent, become stronger as an organization and play a role in helping increase representation in the theme park industry. We recognize that we are still at the beginning of this journey, but are proud of the progress we have made in the areas of employee recognition and fostering a culture that honors the contributions and achievements of individuals across cultures.

Finally, as we consider the future of our organization, we will remain dedicated to our mission of inspiring people to protect animals and the wild wonders of the world. Through advancements in technology, and leveraging a broad portfolio of strategic partnerships, we will continue to provide the highest standards of care for the animals in our parks and apply this knowledge to animals in the wild. Our mission is synergistic with the development and implementation of a social impact strategy, advancing the ways in which we can positively impact the planet and help preserve its natural wonders.