SeaWorld Continues to Rescue and Rehabilitate Hundreds of Sea Lions
March 2, 2016
UPDATE: 3/13/2015 at 9pm ET
UPDATE: 3/12/2015 at 9:33pm ET
We've rescued a total of 475 marine mammals since Jan. 1, a new record. Learn more:
#HappeningNow: #SeaWorld veterinarians are prepping this rescued #sealion pup for surgery & tar removal from its fur.
#HappeningNow: #SeaWorld has helped rescue 400+ #sealions in 2015 during this crisis. Here are a few in our care:
#HappeningNow: We're building more facilities for stranded #sealions. More pools = more saved. Will be ready today.
It takes a lot of fish to feed all these hungry rescued sea lion pups but our team is ready to go! #SaveTheSeaLions
#BreakingNews: 400+ sea lions rescued by SeaWorld CA in 2015; all-hands-on-deck, suspends #sealion show for manpower.
This post will be updated as new developments take place so please check back frequently.